A Brief History of TEN32 Guitars

A coworker in my first job out of college had a CNC and built basses. I was hooked immediately.

Wrote a business plan, secured a small business loan and bought my first CNC. Exhibited 3 guitars at NAMM 2010. Made bad facial hair decisions.

Trial and error, profanity laced tirades, frightened neighbors. Built a few decent guitars.

Designed the first 7,846 attempts at a bolt-on headstock (look how dumb this one was!). Laid off in 2015, worked on guitars full time for the first time ever. Started a new job in 2016.

Completed the first build with a fully functional bolt-on headstock. A brief love affair with bipartite Gandalf pipes.

Laid off again. A minor event called COVID or something. Finally had the "f*ck it" moment. Started working on guitars full time. No plan B.

Countless prototypes, shop upgrades, a few pre-production models,new CNC, new website. Prepping for a proper launch.

Production begins in earnest. LFG.